Idle Hour Events
Check the homepage for detailed info about our forthcoming events
Our general meetings (open to neighborhood residents) take place on the second Monday in February, May, and August, and on the first Monday of November at 6:30 at the Senior Center (195 Life Lane). Doors open at 6 pm. We provide refreshments and make time for socializing.
For every meeting we invite a public speaker who gives a 20-30 minute presentation on a subject of interest to the neighborhood. Our representative in city government, the Fifth District Council member usually attends our meetings and can answer questions about current matters. (We do not welcome political discussion or campaigning).
We organize other neighborhood events as well, and they will be announced on this website, on our Facebook and Instagram pages, and via email to IHNA members. Every year we hold a summer picnic in Idle Hour Park, and a neighborhood yard sale in September.
Other events are in the planning stages. Please let us know what you would like to see happen in the neighborhood and what you would like to help organize.
And stay tuned.